The 5th IEEE International
Conference on Data Science
and Advanced Analytics

1–4 October 2018
Turin — Italy


Turin was the first capital of Italy, a city which offers a lot in terms of art, culture and sightseeing. In 2006, Turin hosted the Winter Olympic Games.
Turin is a vibrant city which in the last years has been going through a strong renovation process which as brought it to be one of the main innovation hubs in Europe. As a matter of facts, in 2016 Turin ranked second (just after Amsterdam and before Paris) in The European Capital of Innovation Award – iCapital, organized by the European Commission.

The iCapital video presentation of Turin:

Regarding transportation, it is worth highlighting that besides Turin International Airport, also Malpensa (the International Airport serving the city Milan), is quite close to Turin. We will also organize a shuttle service from Malpensa to Turin City center, that is where the conference venue and the hotels are.

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